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Organizational Psychology

I am a dynamic speaker that will entertain, make you think, and most importantly actually help you remember the material so that you can implement your learning. I present to schools, helping professions, and any business that wants to improve the quality of life of the people within the organization.


Education/ Child Focused Presentations:

- The Hero's Journey of a Child: Building Purpose and Resilience

- Flourishing in School: Applying Positive Psychology

- How to Be an Evil Villain: Pro-social Skills in Reverse

- Free Range Kids: Building Capacities


Leadership/ Organization Presentations:

- Jobcrafting: Making Your Current Job Suck Less

- Organizational Climate Change

- Compassion Fatigue

- Bullying/Harassment in Today's World of Work


Personal/Community Improvement:

- Minimalism in Moderation: Simplifying Your Life without giving it up

- Politics and Religion: Why We Are Divided and What to do Instead

- How and Why to Quit Social Media

- Mental Health Awareness

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